If you speak to one of our juice equipment experts one of the first two questions you might be asked is what are you juicing and what is your volume. Determining the right juicer for your business will depend upon the answers to these two important questions. It is a challenge if you are just looking to start a juice bar because you might not know what you are going to juice or how much in a day.
What type of juice will you be serving?
Many new to the juice industry are surprised to find out there are so many different juicers on the market to juice different fruits and vegetables. If you are serving a mostly citrus juice you would not want to use a fruit and vegetable juicer. You will get a higher yield, better taste as well with a much easier process by juicing with a commercial citrus juicer. The fruit is sliced in half and then the juice is pressed out. If you were to use a centrifugal machine you would have to peel the orange, lemon, or lime before juicing. The basket would also likely need to be cleaned more due to the build up from the citrus fruits.
What is your daily volume?
How many juices will you be serving on a daily basis will help determine which juicer you should purchase. We have two different options for fruit and vegetable juicers, the Ceado ES500 and the Ceado ES700. The ES500 has a smaller basket and is better suited for low to medium volume juice bars. If you are going to have a busy, high volume shop than we would recommend the ES700 commercial juicer.