Opening a new juice bar can be an exciting venture. We enjoy working with busy entrepreneurs who are building their dream and our Ceado commercial juicers help their dreams come true. How do you decide what equipment to start with and what type of juicer should a new juice bar purchase? How do you decide when there are lots of brands and styles of juicers on the market today.
Many factors will influence what juicer you purchase for your juice bar. Will you be serving bottled juice, fresh on-demand juice or perhaps a combination of both Many juice bars are offering this model now as it pleases both their busy customers who prefer to grab and go as well as the customers who value fresh juice made in front of the customer and not in the back of house.
Our popular list of juice bar equipment includes a Ceado ES-700, CP150, an SL98 or JM20 Automatic Feed for citrus and a powerful blender such as a Vitamix. Lastly, you will need a specialized juicer cleaner such as our EZ Power Cleaner to keep your juicing equipment clean and lasting longer. Here is a run-down of the basic equipment needed to start your juice bar:
Ceado ES-700 has dual chutes for higher yields and efficient juicing. The juicer is very quiet and will not create an unpleasant atmosphere in your juice bar. It's also a very easy to clean juicer and does not require any tools to take apart to clean, the basket is magnetized and lifts easily. Another helpful feature is you can pour a 1/2 cup of water through the juicer to keep it clean in between making juices.
Ceado CP150 cold-press juicer will be a great addition to your jui
ce bar equipment line-up designed for on-demand service and bottled juice. It also processes wheatgrass shots that many juice bar customers like to add to their daily juice or smoothie. Nuts can also be inserted.
Ceado SL98 is the most popular automatic citrus juicer on the
market today. It is a tireless workhorse requiring minimal effort to operate and maintain. The two interchangeable reamers are designed to gently squeeze citrus fruit of any size without removing the bitter parts of the rind.
JuiceMatic Plus JM20 is ideal for making fresh citrus juice in volume. It will process 20 fruit per minute, up to 3 1/2 inches (oranges, lemons and limes), yielding 270-280 oz. per case, depending on the quality of the juicing fruit. The hopper which holds up to 40 lbs, has a rotating disc that will transport the fruit to the processing head. Parts are easy to remove for cleaning; no tools required.
Vitamix Touch and Go Blender to quickly and easily make smoothies, frappes, ice cream drinks and frozen cocktails. Optimized with 34 programs engineered to provide consistent results quickly and easily.
Juicernet EZ Power Cleaner will remove your juicer's toughest
stains. Excellent for removing carrot, turmeric and other tough stains on your juicer basket. 4lb container.